
• come on down - Rex Butters
• The Transient - Jim Smith
• Beyond - Rebecca Moore Frey

come on down

By Rex Butters

you hide in the hills
aloof from the ills plaguing
lowland people you avoid
you hide in the hills
imagine a claustrophobic purity
false sense of security
walling your home
you hide in the hills
unable to cope
with your broken unwashed
fellow beings without hope
you hide in the hills
with ex-SWAT teams
and former marines
keeping your street in elite
you hide in the hills
concerned with the turn
of events two continents
and an ocean away
while cities of tents
folks who can’t afford food
or greed driven rents
grow festering around you
every day
you hide in the hills
from humanity’s shame
attempting to tame the disquiet
that gnaws you in its jaws
while you see nature as door
to close against the poor
you hide in the hills
and turn on each other
father and mother
in your canyon retreat
feral children beat on helpless creatures
trapped in their grip
you hide in the hills
talk utopian community
a white inbred unity present
only in your head

no hills deep or high enough exist
to keep you hidden
and here’s the twist-
nowhere’s safe
from the stagnant pool of fear
you protect
inside of you


The Transient
(In memory of Nathan Alan Morgan)

By Jim Smith

Now another ghost travels
what Philomene named
the highway of poetry and death.

Strange and cruel things happen
down on the highway
that divides city from the desert
and beyond the sand
the unending sea.

The highway is a funnel
for all that is good
and all that is evil.

He was a transient
the police said.

What do those words mean:
transient, traveler, tourist
Aren’t we all?

Back home he was loved,
but the active evil killed him
and the passive evil said
it was alright.

He was a transient, they said
probably a drug user
Aren’t we all?

The parade continues
down the Boardwalk.
Clean up the mess
and move on.
One more doesn’t make a difference
except except it does.



By Rebecca Moore Frey

Planet Earth
Beyond my wildest dreams
Lay the forest of schemes
Beyond anything I knew
It dawned on me true
I was facing
What is beyond
Beyond all reason
Beyond the seasons
True life is out there
And in here
In your hidden innermost soul
Is the immortal seed
Of the Beyond
Beyond our scope
Beyond our mind
Beyond one man’s dreams
Beyond time
Lays the very essence
Of all that is
Tis beyond the senses
Beyond the snow
Behind the show
The glow of life
At its very core
Beyond the furl, the fray and the flurry (fury)
It’s air itself
It’s the particles of life
Beyond any ocean
Is the gulf that goes between
What remains to be seen
Beyond the dream
Past the seams
Lies the stuff of in-between
Beyond the gate, out the window, through the door
Lies Heaven itself
And all of God’s worlds
Beyond our world,our way, our words and our worries
Furies and shouts
Is the calm effervescence
That holds life together
The energy of God’s breath

Posted: Thu - May 1, 2008 at 07:00 PM          
