
• Why grow uncomfortable - Hillary Kaye
• The Scope - Hal Bogotch
• Can't Move Yet - C.V. Beck
• Packing - Douglas Eisenstark

Why grow uncomfortable
with this prison now?
Why ask more of the walls now
more of the view?
Why be desperate to know now
what has been long so buried
Why care to question now?
Why want to know their views
couldn’t the world become smaller still?
Why want to know?
Why think to want love now?
Why need a friend
who can’t now know you?
why ask more of the day
that gave you reason to hope there would be another.

–Hillary Kaye



Always the cry
primitive, wild
fluttering in the night
the cat devours the spider
spares the butterfly

there is a wolf
inside the eye
open to the tearing open
to the telling

sometimes it is the sheep
that feels the bite
sometimes the she-wolf
there is blood
and there is pain
so that life will go on

let the howl take you
lips round and black
head way back tilted
to the zenith

animal is no more
human cannot be human
the primal scheme erupts
from the vegetation
the universe burning
in the telescope

we all have cat's eyes
taking in the night
holding still until the kill
shedding no tears.

– Hal Bogotch



Can’t move yet - I still have printed checks
I can’t move, I still have address labels left
I can’t move yet --I just learned my phone number by heart
I can’t move, I love where I am--it’s my home, my neighborhood,
mi barrio, my schtetl, my turf and
I don’t wanna

–C.V. Beck



David Byrne’s internet radio station is playing Country Music this afternoon.
I’m dismantling my bed with the same screw gun I used to put it together.
Cloudy, drizzle, Friday afternoon, leave work early.
What to do with the old screws?
Save them? Toss them.
Tammy Wynette, George Jones, Hank Sr.
It all fits in a Grapes of Wrathy kind of way,
I turn it up loud, so it can be heard by those left outside.

Damn, those aren’t dust-bunnies under the bed!
Those are Kangaroos!
Find an envelope two decades old.
German stamp. What was her name?
Why didn’t she print her name at the bottom?
I can’t read this signature!
Good English though. What was her name?
I’ll save it for the time when my long term memory works.

Unlike some,
I have no animosity towards
the fascist corporate motherfuckers who are evicting us.
Nor the spineless mayor and gutless city councilpersons
who are whipped into submission by them.
No, I give them all good, good energy
While this afternoon outside our squatter camp, they sit
betting on college football. DO YOUR BEST, ASSHOLES! DO YOUR BEST!

Yesterday, I paid a younger friend to help me.
He lifts a box I once lifted
from Massachusetts to Missouri to Chicago to New York to L.A.
Stick your nose in the box, I say.
That, my friend, is the smell of film, I say.
The bed is almost gone.
The place is getting pretty clean. If the sheriff comes,
we’ll go to my storage space and I’ll show you my art work.

–Douglas Eisenstark
Lincoln Place Evictee

Posted: Wed - February 1, 2006 at 11:37 PM          
