CALL TO ACTION extended through Feb. 21

A compelling collection of reading and performances at Beyond Baroque on January 18, honored the 320+ women of Juarez, Mexico who have been abducted, raped, and murdered.

CALL TO ACTION complemented the HIJAS de JUAREZ exhibit next door at SPARC, which has been extended through February 21, 2003.

During intermission, guests were encouraged to visit the exhibit, and meet the artists and performers. UCLA professor Alicia Gaspar de Alba read from her soon to be released book, The Factory, which is about the incidents in Juarez. Gaspar de Alba is a native of the border near Juarez and takes the issue very personally. She wants people to explore “why this is happening.” Alma Lopez, a very talented local visual and public artist, created the exhibited art piece that will also be the cover of Gaspar de Alba’s book.

The SPARC HIJAS de JUAREZ exhibit is a gripping collection of many local activist artists and you should not miss it.

Posted: Sat - February 1, 2003 at 08:01 PM          
