The Bishop - Chuck Bloomquist

I first encountered John Haag at the Venice West Cafe in 1960 when I lived on Sunset Avenue. I liked the place and the literature in the window. However, I did not come to know John at that time. That only happened later, after reading his articles in the Beachhead, which were to my mind reasonable and lacking in the common vitriolic hyperbole of the day.

My wife served with him on the original Venice Town Council where she so admired his dignified bearing, integrity, and leadership skills that she dubbed him "the bishop." He took the appellation as intended. She also admired him because in spite of being a "heavy hitter" he always listened to her--really listened. We also worked together on an early 4th of July parade, encompassing the entire community, instigated by John and largely a success through his efforts. To our regret, we saw him only rarely in recent years and we mourn his passing.

- Chuck Bloomquist

Posted: Mon - May 1, 2006 at 04:44 PM          
