Is there a Nuke in your future?

By James C. Warf

HOW NUCLEAR REACTORS WORK. – In the U.S. today, about 22 percent of our electricity derives from nuclear reactors, which consume uranium as fuel. To understand how nuclear reactors work, we need a brief introduction to uranium and how energy is derived from it.

The periodic table identifies families of similar chemical elements. Each atom consists of a nucleus (positive charge) and planetary electrons (negative charge). The nuclei consist of protons and neutrons (zero charge). Currently, 110 elements are known. The number of protons in each nucleus is the atomic number, and the total number of protons and neutrons is the mass number. The heavier nuclei are extremely energy-rich.

Examples of important elements with light atoms and their atomic numbers are hydrogen (1), carbon (6), and oxygen (8). Some in the middle elements of the Periodic Table are iron (26) and copper (29) and toward the end of the table heavy elements such as uranium (92) and plutonium (94) are found. All elements have several isotopes; this means that, using iron as an example, all iron atoms have 29 protons in their nuclei. The number of neutrons is variable, depending on the isotope; its mass numbers range from 46 to 68 for this element.

Thus a given element consists of a mixture of atoms which have a range of masses. This occurs because some atoms have more neutrons in their nuclei than others. Uranium-238 is the common variety, and uranium-235 is the more scarce variety (0.7%). This is the one which supplies us with nuclear energy.

Lise Meitner was a brilliant Austrian physicist who worked with Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann in Berlin. In 1938-1939, they discovered that the nuclei of uranium-235 undergo the process of fission, in which bombardment with neutrons causes their nuclei to split into two fragments with the liberation of extra neutrons and an astonishing amount of energy. This makes a self-sustaining chain reaction possible.
In 1940, the Italian Enrico Fermi and his colleagues built the first nuclear reactor at the University of Chicago. It consisted of fission of U-235 (that is, chain reaction), which liberated huge amounts of energy and generated more neutrons. The new-born neutrons were too energetic to cause fission of additional uranium, but after being slowed down (moderated) by collision with carbon atoms of graphite could cause continued fission. These new neutrons kept the process going via chain reaction until the supply of U-235 ran too low.

To date, at least 100 kinds of nuclear reactors have been constructed. Commercial American reactors employ fuel which is uranium in the dioxide form and which is enriched to 4 or 5% in the lighter isotope, U-235. The fuel elements are clad in zirconium, a high-melting point metal with suitable chemical and nuclear properties. Commercial reactors generating electric power are cooled by water under pressure.

Reactors are controlled by inserting rods of materials which strongly absorb neutrons, such as boron. A giant American reactor produces more than 1.35 billion watts of electricity. Some Canadian reactors are cooled with heavy water (deuterium oxide). Special reactors make isotopes for medical purposes.

Experimental reactors using a molten salt coolant have been made. Some reactors are cooled using molten sodium metal. Breeder reactors make fuel from abundant uranium-238. The worst reactor accident so far was that at Chernobyl, Ukraine, in 1986.

NUCLEAR WASTE – The principal shortcoming of nuclear reactors is that their waste is extremely radioactive and poses a challenging disposal problem. The most promising technique so far to cope with this is to vitrify the solid waste. The glass immobilizes the waste and makes it much safer for disposal in geological repositories. Vitrification is, however, rather expensive. Various techniques to simplify the problem by separation of the most radioactive components have been studied. One of these is called pyroprocessing. It is hazardous and costly. Both France and Japan recycle spent fuel and have plans to vitrify the remaining waste.

SAFETY – Two serious accidents with nuclear reactors were those at Three Mile Island (U.S.) and at Sellafield (U.K.) but the worst ever was at Chernobyl in Ukraine in 1986. The greater the level of safety, the higher the construction and operational costs are.

Los Angeles area residents are generally unaware that the first nuclear meltdown in the world occurred in Simi Valley at the Rocketdyne Santa Susana Field Laboratory in 1959. At that time 14 fuel rod bundles melted out of a total of 43, ionizing radiation being released into the atmosphere. Only now is the effect of that accident being investigated.

NATURAL NUCLEAR REACTORS – As strange as it seems, uranium ore occurring in Gabon, in West Africa, has been found to contain only about half of the normal 0.71% uranium-235. Research indicates that at 15 sites where uranium ore is found, the uranium-235 is deficient. At these sites, there are residues containing the fission products identical to known fission products of uranium-235. The evidence is convincingly strong that at each site was a natural nuclear rector. There was plenty of uranium fuel, and water served as the moderator. This was roughly two billion years ago.

CONCLUSIONS – The issue of whether or not new nuclear reactors should be built today is controversial. While some people agree with government and nuclear industry views that nuclear power should proliferate based on acceptable handling of waste and safety, other people believe that the severe waste disposal and safety issues must preclude the building of any new nuclear power reactors. In fact, the latter group believes that those plants already in operation should either have stricter oversight or be shut down completely.

The author is a veteran of the Manhattan Project and is currently Professor of Chemistry at USC. He is a member of the SCFS Executive Board and is author of ALL THINGS NUCLEAR.

This is the third in a Beachhead series from the Southern California Federation of Scientists (SCFS).

Posted: Sat - July 1, 2006 at 02:17 AM          
