Venice: We all love where we live...

by Lydia Poncé

Grassroots Venice Neighborhood Council and community members were working together on a new project. We were building a house that is affordable, healthy, and safe. Everyone who attended the last board meeting was there, working together to get the job done.

Our house was lopsided, perhaps the foundation was cracked. What can we do? Someone repaired one broken window as another window fell and shards of glass fell everywhere.' I woke up. What a nightmare.
Since September, we have managed to meet twice a month where GRVNC and community members share opinions, ideas and concerns fueled with fear and fueled with anger- about what...homeless seniors, homeless families-they are our people. Other residents have forgotten that our homeless have rights and have freedoms.

Our Venice community suffers the political and social ills from a false war on drugs. Our children are labeled and disenfranchised. Gang activity is perpetuated from racial profiling and gang injunctions. "Don't worry about an education, children, you can make it up to your country to fight in a war because you are not college bound, anyway."

Our Boardwalk – rich in tradition such as freedom of speech, freedom to create- to work and to live vs. a police state. Government representatives are attempting to qualify what is art and aesthetically pleasing to only their eyes and their ears. The battle continues with arts vs. crafts vs. manufactured goods and no one is winning. Boardwalk artists and vendors vs. Boardwalk residents and there is no resolution.
When tourists come to Venice, what do they see?

Hopefully they see what our community really is: YOU +ME = DIVERSITY. Venetians, come in all sizes, colors, shapes, energies and talents. GRVNC and the community of Venice provides healing. All of us must be inclusive because that is Venice! Our Bylaws, Robert's Rule's, meetings, election procedures, absentee ballots, agendas, and postings require it. It's the essential ingredient in making the cement to make our repairs. Honor our differences and resolve conflict by accepting each other, period.

So what color shall we paint the future of Venice, our home?

Posted: Sat - May 1, 2004 at 04:11 PM          
