Meet Fannie Chappel

by Lydia Poncé

She’s lived in Venice since 1973. Fannie has been picking up litter on Broadway Ave. and surrounding streets for more than 30 years. You can find her as early as 7 AM, Monday through Saturday, volunteering and collecting the unthinkable, to depose of it properly. I stopped to interview her . She’s really quite shy and is the most humble person I’ve met.

Beachhead: In 2003, people are still littering. Why do you think people are still trashing Venice streets?

Fannie: The parents haven’t taught their children right, or people just don’t care. Some people that visit Venice are the ones that litter. People that pass through here throw the trash down.

Beachhead: Have you seen where the trash ends up when it rains or when it is hosed off the sidewalks and streets?

Fannie: Well some of it stays on the street...

Beachhead: It would be a much trashier place! For miles you can see the trash collected on the sand and it takes a day for it to be cleaned up! Fanny, you are part of the solution to Venice’s pollution!! Candy wrappers, cigarette butts, baby pacifiers, Styrofoam cups and paper plates! Miles and miles of this stuff washes up on our beach!

Fannie: Well that’s what I pick up off the street. There’s a lot of chip bags, coffee cups and paper. The furniture is picked up and that takes time. I find allot of food containers. Once in awhile I’ve found hypodermic needles and I leave the condoms. I’ve found a couple of dollars once in awhile, too.

Beachhead: What do like most about the volunteering you do?

Fannie: Everybody’s friendly – People tease when they offer to come and help out, but then they don’t come through. (She said with a smile.)

Beachhead: Who supplies you with what you need?

Fannie: I supply myself with rubber gloves and trash bags.

Beachhead: What motivates you Fanny?

Fannie: It makes the neighborhood look better and I was raised that way.

Beachhead: Do you have any holiday wishes for the people of Venice?

Fannie: People can still be friendly and they need to act as family. Come and help me in the New Year and take more pride in our neighborhood.

Posted: Mon - December 1, 2003 at 03:45 PM          
