
• Venice Beach, Venice Beach - p. rogue
• Suffering in America is like dying twice in one day - Hillary Kaye

Venice Beach, Venice Beach

take it or leave it
Keep your spirits high
Don’t let the deadbeats steal
a moment of your time
heed not the bullshit lies
honor the truth, the true ones
Contribute to Karmic accounts
but don’t pay with the collapse of your confidence

Venice Beach is washed out tonight
the sky is clear, the air is cool and clean
the homeless are driven, early to their crooked rest
the daytimes are nice
familiar acquaintances marveling
making plans on seeing each other again
Sure to be around
but cometh the night, much hope in the night
don’t overexpect the night, it’s sure to disappoint
you’ll be walking alone, sure to be a critic
Singing, fighting, dreaming until your day of deliverance

-p. rogue


Suffering in America
is like dying twice in one day 

By Hillary Kaye

I'm so sick of wealth and power
sick of loveless little cowards
Tired half to death of dreaming.
No more do I like the scheming.
All this toil and no returns
seems this world is here to burn
except of course if you have money
then perhaps it all seems so damn funny.

Posted: Sat - January 1, 2005 at 01:58 PM          
