OFW lottery moving ahead despite protests by artists and performers

Hash marks and numbers have been painted along Ocean Front Walk by the city in preparation for the start of assigned spaces for non-commercial artists and performers on the west side of the Boardwalk.

The city’s plan, in which they will be assigned locations via a monthly lottery has been condemned by most of the artists, musicians, political activists and others who have utilized the OFW for years, usually choosing the same spot, year in and year out. The Neighborhood Council also opposed the lottery by unanimous votes.

The L.A. Recreation and Parks Dept. is holding two informational meetings on the new ordinance at the Westminster Senior Center, 1234 Pacific Ave. The meetings are Jan. 12 and Jan. 20 at 6:30PM. They should be interesting.

Posted: Sat - January 1, 2005 at 02:56 PM          
