No Applause in Baldwin Hills for the MTA Bus Yard Swap

Who Loses When Politicians, a Developer, and the MTA Get Together?

By Carol Tucker of the Baldwin Hills Neighborhood Assn.

The MTA, RAD Jefferson, (a developer) and some unnamed politicians have successfully worked out a unique Land Swap Deal that wreaks havoc on the residents of Venice and Baldwin Hills so much so that the residents of both communities are ferociously fighting for their very lives and quality of life.

Historically, MTA has needed to relocate the Westside Division 6 Maintenance Yard because it no longer accommodates the needs of the transportation system. They have not been able to move because there was always community outcry about MTA moving into areas where there has been land available. Along comes RAD/Jefferson Development Group, namely Robert D’Elia, who offers to swap the land in Venice for the property formerly used by Sparkletts Water on Jefferson within the Baldwin Hills/Culver City area. In return for the Land RAD Jefferson will also construct the Maintenance Yard with MTA kicking in about $12 million dollars. Once RAD Jefferson fully acquires the land in Venice, they want to build Condominiums and a shopping area which will totally impact that location.

The residents of Baldwin Hills are saying no because there is presently too much traffic on La Cienega and 150 buses will cause further congestion. Venice residents say no to a further impact of people and traffic as well as a proposed high rise gated complex.

What happens? Taxpayers get screwed because the land is swapped for less than the market value which enables the developer to make a profit in excess of a couple million dollars. Residents have to deal with further environmental pollution caused by increased traffic and people. And the efforts of Venice residents who worked to develop the Venice Specific Plan could be totally done in vain. And finally, residents in both areas get betrayed by elected officials who represent their own interest on the MTA Board of Directors.

Posted: Wed - January 4, 2006 at 03:12 PM          
