Beachhead Guide to Venice Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

Dispense Ye of Foolishness To Seek the WiseDome Within

By Erica Snowlake

As a followup to last moon’s interview with Dr. Allan Frankel whereby the author described receiving her magickal-entrance-beyond-many-doors-highly-sought-after State of California legally sanctioned MEDICAL MARIJUANA RECOMMENDATION, I’ve since undertaken a diligent quest to sample the goods proffered by Venice’s own wholistic dispensaries.

I’ve enjoyed meeting the owners, (and one prospective owner), of four clubs, gleaning much from their multiple perspectives on offering marijuana as a premier healing medicine whilst keeping a low profile running a thriving business in the heart of our vibrant community. From their testimonies and my own experience researching case histories, I wholeheartedly encourage everyone with illnesses of any kind to give marijuana a chance to fulfill Her Work, and for those already-in-the-know to sign-up for more good behaviour in order to support this movement as a revolution in progress.

Marijuana works for the relief of disease, and alleviates symptoms of Anxiety, Stress, Insomnia, Hypertension, Chronic Pain, Eating Disorders, MS, Chronic Fatique, Cancer, Aids, Depression, and everything in between. And in ways we are still as a culture just beginning to acknowledge She imparts a beautiful creative wisdom.....

With this in mind, seek thy physician, and once laden with legalities in hand, your next step is to select and visit a dispensary. Hopefully this article will provide and entice you with all the tidbits you need to general, you will enter a reception chamber where you will be amicably greeted and your California I.D. and recommendation checked forthwith. After registering with the particular dispensary, and often being issued a handy-dandy I.D. card from them, you will then be escorted to THE OTHER ROOM, A.K.A. the medicine treasure chest. You’ll feast your eyes upon a menu with the exotic, life-enhancing names of top-grade strains, just like in good ol’ Amsterdam, where at this point it’s guaranteed you will be salivating.

Prices vary from $20-$30 a gram to $55-$90 an eighth for the creme of the trade. Oohhh lalalla.......the names slide off your tongue like a fine.....smoke, Hawaii X Malawi, Caramella, Bubbleberry, Shishkaberry, Sensei Star, Shark Shock, Juicy Fruit and Sweet Tooth, words to ease and tease your palate. All are available for your instant connosieur gratification in terms of glass bottled eye candy, trichome magnification, and budly aroma. One may also be blessed to find baked goods, tradename “edibles,” and concentrated oils of hash or kief.

These periodically come under state and federal fire, however crucial to patients with severe pain/debilitating illnesses.

Some of the dispensaries allow medicating on premises, others will discreetly usher you out to medicate in the privacy of your own home, or neighborhood corner, (remember tales of the famed 60s community bong-in-the-rock?!) The Food of the Gods and Goddesses need not only be smoked, {or, preferably, vapourized, like the ethers of a Living Volcano), my favorite elixir/potion an ancient Sanskrit recipe involving simmering buds in a coconut cream concoction called Bhang Lassi, sipping divine faerie drops of the rosewater-infused nectar, worthy of Shiva and Shakti’s kisses!

Speaking of Flavour, that of each of Venice’s dispensaries is unique and a supreme joy to behold. I know I am waxing rhapsodic, but I highly recommend visiting each and everyone on a regular basis. Their compassionate owners and sexy staff are helpful fountains of knowledge and inspiration. They are on the cutting edge of the revolution, mavericks influencing political and spiritual social change. Conducting savvy biz in a co-operative fashion, dispensaries are a hint of the healing potential we hold as human beings to care, to create hospices of the future, to listen as True People to the heartbeat of the Earth, Gaea, hearing Abundance and Diversity as the Call of Creation, as the Rhythmic Dance around the Tree of Life, as the Reason for our Existence! Partake Ye of Thee Folly! Praise the Herbal Remedy!

The following is a short tabled description of the dispensaries I visited (I didn’t get to Alternative Care Givers Discount Dispensary, 122 S. Lincoln Blvd., 877-219-3809) and a synopsis of a questionnaire put forward to the dispensary owners. The gems contained herein can only be considered indicative of the sattivic quality of therein.

Posted: Fri - June 1, 2007 at 06:00 PM          
