Midterm Report Cards for Bill and Antonio

It’s Midterm Report Card Time
for Councilmember Bill Rosendahl
and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa

Beachhead Readers Respond (partial list):

Bill Rosendahl and Antonio Villaraigosa are half way through their terms as District 11 Councilmember and L.A. Mayor, respectively.
The Beachhead believes the press – and the voters – have a responsibility to let our representatives know how we feel about their performance in office.
Ultimately, all office holders work for us, the voters. If they don’t hear from us, we can be sure they will hear from the lobbyists.
Based on this unscientific sample, it would appear that Bill and Antonio have done fairly well with their image skills, but need to concentrate on those skills that actually get things done. We still have two years in which we expect to see much improvement.

Final Grades:
Bill Rosendahl: B+
Antonio Villaraigosa: D+

If you didn’t have a chance to submit your report card, please do it now. We’ll print all signed responses we get. Send to Beachhead@freevenice.org or to Beachhead, P.O. Box 2, Venice 90294.

Bill Rosendahl: C
He’s trying to do a good job - has fallen short of my expectations.

Antonio Villaraigosa: D
Again trying to do a good job, however he too has fallen short of my expectations.

Jolie Kraff
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Bill Rosendahl: D-

Antonio Villaraigosa: F+

They both are all talk and no action using their status as elected officials to gain approval for what they say. They both do not take any action. Perhaps their hands are tied by huge corporations. Well, then they best change the system! Are they even trying???? I think I may be too nice with my grading!!!

Erin Grayson
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Bill Rosendahl: A
Rosendahl is doing a great job. He supports renters and cares about his constituents.

Antonio Villaraigosa: F
I don’t wish to comment.

Lucienne M. Siam
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Bill Rosendahl: A+++

Antonio Villaraigosa: B
Not good, not bad; he is basically fair but a little disappointing given his campaign promises.

Sabrina Venskus
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Bill Rosendahl: A+
Excellent representative. Tries to negotiate compromise when possible.

Antonio Villaraigosa: F-
Pro illegal immigration. Anti American citizen.

Thomas Torres
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Bill Rosendahl: A

Antonio Villaraigosa: B
He’s good

Jim Schley
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Bill Rosendahl: B+
Much better than Miscikowski. Hardworking. Speaks out against the occupation of Iraq. I’m pleased to see him attending many of the progressive events around town.

Antonio Villaraigosa: C
Hardworking, but often betrays the progressive agenda he ran for office on. Could do so much better.

Alice Stek
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Bill Rosendahl: B+
He has values, ethics and is not afraid of moneypeople. He is not a slacker and I expect the next two years to be better than the previous two years.

Antonio Villaraigosa: F
His grade is due to extreme narcissism and grandiosity. He is only interested in himself and setting a stage for a run for the presidency, in my humble opinion.

C.V. Beck
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Bill Rosendahl: A
I admire how Bill has actively placed Lincoln Place people as his number one priority along with his supporting homeless vets and opposing commercial development.
Antonio Villaraigosa: C
The Mayor could have done a better job in preventing the recent fare doubling by the MTA. He should have confronted the Governor more about the State’s underfunding tricks.

Karl Abrams
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Bill Rosendahl: B+
Give Bill A for Effort, but he’s held back by corrupt fellow councilmembers, city attorney and, some say, his staff.

Antonio Villaraigosa: C-
Beware the power of the Dark Side, young Antonio. Too late! He’s been captured by developers and corporations. Just ask Lincoln Place tenants and SouthCentral Farmers.

Jim Smith
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Bill Rosendahl: A
For openly admitting to the obvious mistakes in the Venice Beach Ordinance that prohibit certain artists from making their artwork that can be used as jewelry. And for promising to do his utmost in rectifying those prohibitions.

Antonio Villaraigosa: F
For being part of the process that brought the Ordinance to Venice Beach in the first place.

Della Franco
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Bill Rosendahl: B
I see him, Sunday mornings, at the Mar Vista Farmers Market. He shares his peanuts and has a big smile. He’s still smiling so he must be doing a good job (tongue in cheek).

Antonio Villaraigosa: D - F
Seems like he’s not living up to the hype. Don’t be fooled.

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Bill Rosendahl: A
Seems to really care about and try to help his constituents!

Antonio Villaraigosa: D-
Seems to have his sights set on a higher plane than L.A. Always out of town, making PA’s to promote himself.

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Bill Rosendahl: B
In so far as my limited experience allows me to have any opinion, I like Bill’s professional image and apparent desire to help people with problems in the community e.g Lincoln Place Tenants and as I can’t speak up for the less powerful in the area, he seems like a nice enough guy.

Antonio Villaraigosa: C+
Not addressing the problem of affordable housing in the City. He could be worse. Fair. In general he shows up for work and does his job at least even if it is an uninspired performance.

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Bill Rosendahl:
I think he is involved in the community at large, for the good of the people. Important subjects, I see he is suppressing the issues...

Antonio Villaraigosa:
He is a arrogant, egotistical con-artist who loves the camera, more than the people that elected him.

Posted: Fri - June 1, 2007 at 08:20 PM          
