News from the Front: Venice Girds for the Summer onslaught

By Della Franco

What is the news? That is the question on every one’s mind. But no one really knows for sure. There are so many unanswered questions, so many conflicting versions.

Artists are holding their breath. What is going to become of the boardwalk? And when?

But right now, in the haze of all the confusion, Venice Beach is once again beating to its own rhythm. Artists and vendors are not playing by the City’s rules, the damned ordinance is being ignored, abandoned, disobeyed.

But for how long? Is this the calm before the storm?

When will the cops start to harass again? Arrest again? Confiscate again?

Incense and sage fill the air once more. Handcrafted materials fill the spaces and make the boardwalk look beautiful, colorful, cultural. It feels alive again.

The police still patrol, and they still do nothing about the vendors who are obviously selling factory-made, mass produced, “Made in China” products.

Note to those vendors: If you can’t make your art on the spot - GO AWAY! You are ruining it for everyone else.

And the police still stalk the authentic artists who are busy making their art by staring coldly at them for long periods of time from their patrol cars.

The word on the street is that there are one or two, maybe more, pending court decisions about the fate of the boardwalk and the Ordinance.

How long will that take? No one knows.

“They say” the boardwalk will soon ONLY permit tarot readers and performers. Does that mean it will include artists making their art on the spot or not?

Are they not performers too?

“They say” that anyone who does not abide by this law will be sued.

The police will again use their power to crush and control the spirit of Venice and they will have the city behind.

But when? We were promised by the Councilman that he would help make amendments to the ordinance.
He gave us his word that he would protect the craftspeople who were overlooked.

We are still waiting for those changes.

I hope it happens soon. I pray that the Ocean Front can finally exist in peace.

Posted: Fri - June 1, 2007 at 10:00 PM          
