Introducing Glibby Lil’Red: The Free Venice Beachhead’s First Feminist Advice Column

Dear Glibby,

I need help. I am just head-over-heels for my mail delivery person.

This person has acted interested in me: flirting, talking on the phone, and we have had infrequent romantic encounters. I even went out and bought some nice thong underwear to try to make this person happy. Me not being the thong underwear type, makes this somewhat of a compromise - both style wise and economically. I have asked this person to go places with me and this person seems to use excuses not to go. I have tried to tell this person that I wanted a relationship, but this person has not responded positively. The problem is that I still want this person and think about this person all the time. Plus it does not help that I see this person often, because this person delivers my mail! I really need to get this person out my head.

Signed: Head-over-heals
My Dear Dear Head-over-heals,

I totally know what you are going through. It’s so hard when someone gives you a little “attention” and then leaves you wanting more - especially if you are lonely. But honey when are you going to get it through your head that s/he probably only wants the thong and not the person inside. And if you have not been practicing safe thong I suggest that you go for testing. As far as how to “get this person out of your head” well use a little common sense dear. After all, s/he is the mail delivery person. S/he must have many stops on the mail route and may have multiple stops on the thong route, too. S/he doesn’t sound like s/he wants a relationship and it sounds like you do. Decide what your route is and move on.

Peace and Love,

To write Glibby, send letters (snail or email) attn Dear Glibby at the Free Venice Beachhead

Posted: Tue - October 1, 2002 at 05:05 PM          
