Tenant Loses One

Albert Dunne, 88-year-old recipient of the Purple heart in WWII and resident in the same apartment in Venice for 47 years, and fighting eviction from the unit, heard the verdict from the judge on Sept. 20. The landlord, Mr. Flournoy, wants to rehab the apartment and has claimed hardship exemption from the temporary rehab ordinance put in place by the Los Angeles city Council.

The Judge found in favor of the landlord stating that due process was followed and the landlord could file a hardship exemption from the rehab ordinance. Legal Aid is appealing the judgment.

The ordinance prevents landlords from evicting tenants if the cost is less than ten thousand dollars a unit and not necessary.

The ordinance specifies that if the tenant has to move for the rehab, the tenant can move back at the same rent plus 10 percent. The proposal to make this ordinance permanent will be heard in LA City Council Chambers on Oct. 8.

This ordinance is very important to low-income tenants and/or tenants who have lived in their apartments for a long time. The ordinance prevents landlords from evicting long-term tenants on the basis of rehabilitation of the unit in order to move tenants out, slap on a coat of paint, and/or “cosmeticize” the unit with unneeded improvements, ie window boxes, marble sinks, etc., and then charge inflated rents to the next tenants. This is a very important adjunct to tenants rights to live in a community, and become part of it. This is especially important in a fast gentrifying area such as Venice. If you can’t be at City Hall on Oct. 8, call Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski at 310-575-8461 and let her know how you feel.

Posted: Wed - October 1, 2003 at 07:20 PM          
