Why Jesus Would Not Be A Good Candidate

By Lynne Bronstein

The post-election spin is on. The pundits are suggesting that the Democrats had better look to the heartland for the answers. The people have spoken, so we are told, and the people of heartland America are people of faith and of moral values. Democrats are out of touch with the religious fervor of Middle America.

With this in mind, some Democrats are contemplating going the evangelicals one better. If they’re so into Jesus, if they want Jesus to be part of the government, why not run Jesus as the next Democratic candidate for President?

It would seem like a logical idea but there are a few caveats:

Jesus has long hair and a beard. He would have to cut his hair and shave in order to appeal to voters who like clean-cut candidates. There’s no much of a chance that Jesus, with his present style, might be mistaken for a homeless person.

Then there’s his background. He was born in a stable. That’s kind of disgusting. It is said that when he was conceived, his mother was not married. Yeah, she later married some guy named Joseph but he admits to not being Jesus’s dad. There’s something not right about that family.

He has been seen wearing a dress. What is he -some sort of metrosexual? Would he support gay marriage?
He was in fact, seen in a garden where another man kissed him. And he usually hangs out with twelve other men. Too much man-love going on there.

He has advocated “turning the other cheek” in response to violence. What kind of a message would this send to our enemies? Sure, turn the other cheek when they bomb our cities.

He defended a woman from a stone-throwing mob even though she was guilty of immoral sexual behavior. This implies that he would favor a woman’s right to choose.

He gave food to a large crowd-for free. What is he, some kind of welfare advocate? You’re supposed to work for your supper!

He expelled a group of hard-working moneylenders from a temple-is that the way to stimulate business?
There is a report that he raised a man from the dead. What kind of weird quack medicine was he practicing? Was his cure the result of stem cell research? Or was it from drugs brought in illegally from Mexico or Canada? Is he merely giving away his medical services and passing them off as some kind of “health insurance” for the poor?

He has four wounds that he claims resulted from something called a crucifixion. But these wounds are mere nail holes. That’s hardly comparable to the critical war injuries as well as deaths sustained by many of our true patriotic veterans. Besides, he says he’s been resurrected. So he didn’t even die for our country.
Oh and one more thing. He’s Jewish.

Sorry Democrats. If you run Jesus in 2008, you’re going to boot another one.

Posted: Mon - November 1, 2004 at 04:39 PM          
