
• The Call of the Future - Hillary Kaye
• Because you don't know where you are - C.V. Beck
• Giving - Paul Hershfield

The Call of the Future

By Hillary Kaye

The vultures and their faces lead you through the mystery of horror and beauty
the remnants of displaced honor are sprawled upon the streets
to be walked on by the guards of the devil’s own.
There is not a cloud that can not be purchased by the highest bidder

You could watch your head spin off and be taken,
the little bits of you that might remain, that might be whole,
these too can be bought and sold

and if you think i’m wrong ask yourself can you imagine the hope of moving up the ladder
covered with whatever it might be.
The call of the future.
the call of the darkest places that could ever be known
this is what they answer to.
Whatever it takes, whatever it has to do, it will
and you must get out of its way.....or else.



C.V. Beck

Because you don’t know
where you are --
you don’t know that
it’s “Venice”, not
“Venice Beach” --
unless, of course, you
want to make it over --
like Miami Beach
But -- we don’t want that
here --but you don’t know
that -- yet--
Because you don’t where you are --
you thought the public streets were
naturally private and acted accordingly --
Because you don’t know where you are --
you think you know the laws but you don’t --
Because you don’t know where you are --
You think the whole world revolves around you and your money
But some people aren’t dollar-driven and don’t like you or your blood money--
made off the backs of widows and orphans, people who don’t understand your contracts
with the really bad guy



By Paul Hershfield,

Turkey dinners
for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Donor names
on the wings of hospitals
and the faces of university halls.
Volunteer doctors
at inner-city clinics
and in third-world countries.
Cycling to benefit AIDS patients,
and running for cancer research.
Sending at-risk youth (aren’t they all?)
to summer camp.
Checks to shelter women.
Food drives for the needy.
Helping the homeless.
Giving to Goodwill.
Noble causes and good works.
Tax-deductions for the ruling class.
Charity will never be a substitute
for justice.

Posted: Tue - November 1, 2005 at 01:41 PM          
