Tent City Report

By C.V. Beck

At Tent City, Squirrel Square Free Speech area, Frederick/California, Venice, CA. Wednesdays/Saturdays, 10-5 we go on...with our “mission impossible”?, preserving truly affordable, rent stabilized housing for seniors/disabled/working class persons AND CHILDREN in the now overly ripe, clearly rotten “choice” westside of Los Angeles.

The pressure lately has been very intense and is coming from all sides. Certain neighbors, apparently in some kind of enchanted spell caused by their zeal in remodeling, driving an SUV, plate number 4 HYT 395, have continued their unlawful dumping at Lincoln Place and are caught in the act by security and tenants more than once. Clearly, these barbarians feel entitled.

We are bouncing off the walls (I mean trees) and snarling and snapping at each other as we struggle to understand the complex legal boilerplate of what is being done to us and for us as the hourglass begins running out of sand one more time. Some of us seem to expect to melt into a puddle on the floor as the magic witching hour of 12:00 midnight, August 31, 2006 turns into 12:01, September 1, 2006. At which time our legal tenancies at Lincoln Place are terminated(?) by the Ellis Act and we are posted; or we are NOT terminated by the Ellis Act and not posted on the 1st but maybe -- AFTER the very symbolic Labor Day long holiday weekend is over; and life returns to normalcy on September 5th. That is, the normalcy of evicting seniors and disabled working class persons and relegating them to the “you are so over!” heap of human discards now filling up the westside... (where are all these homeless people coming from? Hint, hint!)

We have filed the necessary paperwork (Case number B193235) in the Second Appellate District court for a stay or writ of supersedeas; in order to protect the remaining seniors/disabled persons from having to leave their rent stabilized homes of many years, their familiar communities and support networks for the unknown until after our other cases are heard. We are also waiting, (as we have done for so many years now) for our flaccid city officials (other than Bill Rosendahl, who has been a peach) to also step up to the plate and do the right thing, to obey their own municipal ordinances, public resource codes, etc., something so many of them are clearly loathe to do, for reasons I can only guess at...(the green reason, the hegemony reason, the old boy’s network reason, the old girl’s network, the you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours reason, the too-good-for-the-likes-of-you-now reason, the change-the-entire-balance-of-the-political- climate-overnight reason and the magically-fluff-up-the-rents-nearby-overnight reason).

By the time you read this, we will know “what up” for what has been referred to--by people who should know better-- but don’t, as “the dregs” of Lincoln Place, your neighbors, in East Venice.

Posted: Fri - September 1, 2006 at 06:21 PM          
